Mr. Manar SALL

Manar SALL

Mr. Manar SALL

Managing Director, PETROSEN Trade et Services, La Société nationale de Pétrole et de Gaz


Manar Sall is a renowned expert in the hydrocarbon sector. He has been the Chief Executive Officer of Petrosen Trading & Services, the National Oil and Gas Company, since January 2020, showcasing his leadership within the company.

His diverse career includes key roles, notably as Head of Business Support at OilLybia Services JLT from 2013 to 2014, where he gained an in-depth understanding of the sector. He also led Elton International as CEO from 2014 to 2015, demonstrating his ability to make strategic decisions.

Manar Sall further enriched his experience as Chief Operating Officer (COO) at Prime Value Catalyst from 2015 to 2020, solidifying his operational expertise.

His extensive experience and sharp knowledge of the oil and gas industry make him a valuable asset as a panelist at the Senegal-Nigeria Economic Forum (FESEN).

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